Town of Goolwa, Hundred of Goolwa [cartographic material] / signed J.W. Jones, Licensed Surveyor [C 7] • Archival map/chart

Town of Goolwa, Hundred of Goolwa [cartographic material] / signed J.W. Jones, Licensed Surveyor

Town of Goolwa, Hundred of Goolwa [cartographic material] / signed J.W. Jones, Licensed Surveyor

Shows plan of Sub-division of Allotment 161, Lots 1-5 and right of way through Allotment 158, Loveday Street, Goolwa. Annotations include declarations by surveyor, Justice of the Peace and proprietor. Ink and watercolour.

Town of Goolwa, Hundred of Goolwa [cartographic material] / signed J.W. Jones, Licensed Surveyor

Shows plan of Sub-division of Allotment 161, Lots 1-5 and right of way through Allotment 158, Loveday Street, Goolwa. Annotations include declarations by surveyor, Justice of the Peace and proprietor. Ink and watercolour.